Silent Running to help boost your sneak, which is extremely important.Living Anatomy for bonus damage and to see if a target is armored or not (so you can swap from incendiary ammo to AP ammo).Better Criticals for even more damage when hitting for criticals.Finesse for more crit chance (this is only useful if you are spotted).Hand Loader for the awesome hand loaded ammo that does tons of damage.Bloody Mess (5% damage), note some people doesn't like this for the gibbing effect.Cherchez La Femme/Confirmed Bachelor for 10% damage to same sex.Black Widow/Lady Killer for 10% damage to opposing sex.Since most of my fights tend to happen at extreme range where VATS isn't as useful, I tend to focus more on crit and damage with my perks: The only drawback is that if you are playing on hardcore, the ammo is extremely heavy and scarce. For the more difficult enemies, I will use the hand loaded ammo to go with the shot. Its high damage/attack means I can pretty much 1 shot anything in the game, including all the difficult DLC zones like lonesome road. I generally prefer gun builds when I go ranged for New Vegas, mostly because of this beast of a gun: